"Big Band Files with Doug Miles"
"The Big Band Files with Doug Miles" is available on multiple online platforms including www.dougmilesmedia.com. The show features interviews with the artists who keep the "American Popular Standards" alive and classic recordings. Guests have included Frank Sinatra Jr. , Jack Jones, Ann Hampton Callaway, Steve Lawrence, John Pizzarelli, just to name a few. Join Doug Miles who created the show back on WBAU-FM on Adelphi University's radio station on Long Island in 1983. It has aired on WSRQ, WSLR and WTMY radio and continues as a digital program.
email the show at dougmiles@hotmail.com
Sponsorship opportunities available. Call 941-587-4967.
Jazz artists interested in promoting your music, please email us at dougmiles@hotmail.com.